Proposal to Dispose of Property
Published on Thursday, 9 December 2021 at 2:00:00 PM

The Shire of Leonora gives notice of its intention to enter into the following disposition of land under Section 3.58 of the Local Government Act 1995.
- Sale of Kurrajong Street property being Lot 9 on Deposited Plan 63278, Certificate of Title Volume 2774 Folio 69 to St Barbara Limited for the purchase price of $87,500.00 plus GST; and
- Sale of Battery Place property, being Lot 10 on Deposited Plan 63278, Certificate of Title Volume 2774 Folio 70 to St Barbara Limited for the purchase price of $56,000.00 plus GST.
The previous market value of the property’s had been assessed at:
Lot 9 $47,500.00 plus GST
Lot 10 $46,000.00 plus GST
Any person wishing to make a submission concerning this disposition is invited to do so no later than 4:00pm on Wednesday 29th December, 2021.
Any submissions will be considered by Council at its meeting on the 15th February, 2022.
J.G. Epis
Chief Executive Officer
Shire of Leonora
P.O. BOX 56
Leonora, WA, 6438