Leinster Township

The township of Leinster lies 368km north of Kalgoorlie and is often described as an oasis in the desert. Residents refer to it as either the 'home of the wedge tail eagle' or 'the jewel of the northern goldfields'. Leinster supports a vibrant lifestyle and a population of around 1000 people.
Large scale mining in the area began in 1897 when the East Murchison United Company (EMU) began working on alluvial gold deposits. WMC Resources Ltd purchased the operation in 1989, renamed it 'Leinster Nickel Operations' and began recommissioning the operation. Leinster was first established in 1976 as a company town supporting the nickel mine of the Agnew Gold Mining Company, it is now run by BHP Nickel West. It takes the name from nearby Leinster Downs Station. Prior to mining activities, the land was pastoral. Large stations in the area include Leinster Downs, Pinnacles, Yakabindie, Yeelirrie and Weebo to name a few.

The town consists of 283 houses, some 800 single persons quarters and motel services supporting a population of 700 residents and 700 'fly-in-fly-out' personnel. All accommodation has been designed to ensure that comfort is maintained. Air conditioning is a standard feature. Shopping facilities at Leinster include a comprehensive supermarket, beautician, homewares, post office, self-serve service station, coffee shop, hairdressing salon and nursery.
Accommodation is available at the Leinster Caravan Park, which can be booked through the supermarket. Accommodation for the Leinster Lodge which can be booked by calling the Tavern on 9037 9556.
The active sporting population is well catered for with an Olympic-size swimming pool, health and fitness centre, two air conditioned squash courts, basketball, netball and tennis courts, a grassed oval and a magnificent air conditioned indoor sporting stadium. An 18-hole golf course and race course complete the picture.
The Leinster Primary School caters for approximately 130 children up to year 8 with older children having the Distance Education Centre Programme available. For the younger children, there is a pre-primary centre, day-care centre and playgroup. A tavern and 'wet mess' are located in Leinster with the tavern offering 'A-la-carte' and speciality menus on a weekly basis. Live entertainment is regularly brought to Leinster by sporting and community groups.
In addition to a resident doctor, the town has a Silver Chain Nursing Post which is staffed by two nurses and is open five days a week. Should emergencies arise, they can be dealt with immediately by the St John's Ambulance sub-centre, operated by volunteers on-call 24 hours a day.
When Leinster was built, special consideration was given to the natural environment. Built on a sand dune, local and native plants flourish with big stands of shady gum trees giving the town an oasis impression.
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