Shire of Leonora Tender Register

Pursuant to Local Government (Functions and General) Regulations 1996, Part 4, Dic2 r.17 Tenders Register (1A) The CEO must publish the Tenders Register on the local government's official website

Tender No. Description Date Awarded Document Link
RFT04/2020 Supply and delivery of one (1) heavy duty road grader as per specifications 17/11/2020 RFT04/2020 - Road Grader
RFT05/2020 Supply of one (1) backhoe loader as per specifications 17/11/2020 RFT05/2020 - Backhoe Loader
RFT06/2020 Supply, delivery and siteworks for one (1) public restroom structure for town centre 17/11/2020 RFT06/2020 - Public Restroom Town Centre
RFT01/2022 Supply and delivery of one (1) Wheel Loader plus trade-in or outright sale of existing Wheel Loader 21/12/2021 RFT01/2022 - Wheel Loader
RFT02/2022 Supply and delivery of one (1) Pad Foot Roller plus trade-in or outright sale of existing Pad Foot Roller 21/12/2021 RFT02/2022 - Padfoot Roller
RFT03/2022 Construction of 8 residential units, associated works and amenities building for the Shire of Leonora ‘Ageing in Place’ Project. 15/03/2022 RFT03/2022 - Construction of 'Ageing in Place' Residential Units, Leonora WA
RFT04/2022 Removal and re-tiling of Leonora Swimming Pool including replacement of existing concourse paving 15/03/2022 RFT04/2022 - Re-Tiling of The Leonora Swimming Pool

Carry out approximately:

  • 4,400m2 cement stabilization
  • 4,400m2 7mm emulsion seal
  • 4,400m2 40mm intersection mix asphalt
26/04/2022 RFT05/2022 - Cement Stabilisation and Other Associated Works - Lake Miranda Road
RFT01/2023 Supply and delivery of one (1) Road Grader plus trade-in or outright sale of existing Grader


RFT01/2023 - Road Grader

Trade-in or outright sale a number of light vehicles & supply and delivery of new equivalent type vehicles, the latest of models.

None received

RFT02/2023 - Various Light Vehicles
RFT03/2023 Design and Construction of staff accommodation unit and associated infrastructure at Lot 2, 30 Queen Victoria Street


RFT03/2023 - New Staff (CEO) Accommodation Design and Construct
RFQ01/2024 Provision of a highly skilled Work Health and Safety (WHS) service that is well-versed in the latest WHS Act 2020 and the WHS (General) Regulations 2022, as well as the most recent Codes of Practice.


RFQ01/2024 - Work Health & Safety Services
RFT02/2024 To carry out Ranger Services within the Shire of Leonora


RFT02/2024 - Ranger Services
RFT03/2024 Supply and Delivery of Prime Mover


RFT03/2024 - Prime Mover
RFT04/2024 Gravel Sheeting Leinster Downs Road


RFT04/2024 - Gravel Sheeting of Leinster Road
RFT01/2025 Cleaning Services


RFT01/2025 - Cleaning Services
RFT02/2025 Security Services


RFT02/2025 - Security Services
RFT03/2025 Shire Maintenence grading

22/03/2025 to 20/04/2025

RFT03/2025 - Shire Maintenence Grading