Community Based CCTV
The Shire of Leonora received funding under the State Government’s Western Australian State CCTV Strategy Infrastructure Fund to install CCTV infrastructure throughout the community.
The infrastructure is directly linked to the Leonora Police Station for live viewing by the Leonora Police. Providing the Police live access to the CCTV network allows them the opportunity to respond before an incident escalates. The footage recorded by the CCTV cameras may also be used as evidence in the prosecution of offenders by Police and the Shire of Leonora.
It is expected that the CCTV network will continue to expand to cover hot spots within the Shire in coming years.
CCTV in Business and Private Residence
Accurate knowledge of the locations of CCTV systems (both private and business) greatly assists WA Police to investigate incidents and improve community safety. ‘Cam-Map WA’ is a database operated by the Western Australia Police Force that allows owners of CCTV systems to securely self-register their equipment.
If you have CCTV, we would really appreciate your help! You can make a big difference by taking 2 minutes to follow the link and register your CCTV. https://cam-mapwa.police.wa.gov.au/