Rates Information

Rates are due and payable within 35 days of issue. Rates or installments not paid by the due date will be referred for debt collection. Interest is not charged on outstanding amounts. Ratepayers may now opt to pay for rates in installments, further details are provided on the rate notice. A ratepayer may apply for an alternate repayment schedule subject to agreement prior to the due date. 

Installment plan options and alternate payment arrangements may only be entered into if there are no Rates owing from the previous years. 

Payment by Electronic Funds Transfer or Credit Card

Ratepayers also have the option to pay their rates direct to the Shire of Leonora bank account via electronic funds transfer (EFT).

Bank details for the Shire of Leonora are:

BSB: 086-712

A/C: 50-523-9025

Name: Shire Leonora Municipal Account

Please quote your assessment number as the reference for your transaction.

If you'd like to pay by Credit Card, please contact the Shire office on 9037 6044 or email admin@leonora.wa.gov.au 


If you owned and occupied your house as at 01 July of the current year and are currently in receipt of a:

  • Pensioner payment from Centrelink or Veteran Affairs; OR
  • A Seniors Card issued by Office of Seniors Affairs AND a Commonwealth Seniors Card; OR
  • A Seniors Card Only

You may be entitled to claim a rebate and/or a deferment on your current rates:

If you are in receipt of a pension payment and hold the appropriate card mentioned above (1) OR hold both Seniors Card's (2), you are entitled to a rebate of up to 50% (maximum) on your current rates and ESL charges. You may also be able to defer current rates and ESL. Please note that refuse collection and other charges are not subject to a rebate. In this case, you are deemed to be an "Eligible Pensioner". The cap for eligible pensioners is $750.00.

If you hold a Seniors Card only (3) you are entitled to a rebate of up to 25% on your current rates. The maximum rebate allowable is $100.00.

In this case, you are deemed to be an "Eligible Senior". The deferment option is not available to pensioners who only hold a Seniors Card. 

Should you meet the criteria listed above (1, 2 or 3) and have not previously registered with the Water Corporation, please contact the Water Corporation immediately to register. Your rebate is calculated from the date that you register with the Water Corporation.

If you have an outstanding rate arrears on your property and are deemed to be an "Eligible Pensioner" (1 or 2), you may still be able to claim a rebate and/or deferment on your current year's rates provided that you enter a suitable repayment arrangement for the arrears. Please contact the Shire of Leonora immediately for further details. 

Pro-rata rebates and deferments may be allowable for those who become eligible pensioners or seniors during the rating year (ie. after 1st July of the current year and before 30th June of the following year). If you become a pensioner or senior during the year, please contact the Shire of Leonora for further information.

If your circumstances change, particularly with respect to ownership of your property, or your eligibility as a Pensioner or Senior, you must notify this office immediately.



Change of Address or Owner

It is the responsibility of the owner to ensure that the Shire is notified in writing within 21 days of the sale of the property. Advice as to changes of address are necessary to ensure correct service of rate notices. 

Current Details

Current Details: 

If there are multiple owners, please list the primary contact details on this form, and upload an attachment that details the other owners using the upload link below. 

Max File Size: 10.00 MB
Allowed File Types: .avi, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mov, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx
Property Details

Property Details:

Please ensure you provide as much information about the property as possible. If the property has been recently acquired, or you wish to update the address for multiple properties, please upload a proof of purchase and/or a document detailing any additional properties via the links below. 

Max File Size: 10.00 MB
Allowed File Types: .avi, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mov, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx

Max File Size: 10.00 MB
Allowed File Types: .avi, .doc, .docx, .gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .mov, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .mpg, .pdf, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .xls, .xlsx
Postal Details

Postal Details: 

Please ensure to give us a valid Postal Address, as this is what all Assessment Notices including Interim rates will be forwarded to. 

Submission confirmation


By clicking "Submit" you confirm that the details above are correct to the best of your knowledge, and that the Shire of Leonora will be able to serve all rates notice to the postal address provided until otherwise advised. 

I confirm the above*This field is required.